
UHSA 200911_Geometry_DIMathematics is an international language; It is the language of the future. As we understand that we are part of a greater, global community, the U math department partners with our UHSA community to make real connections to prior learning to stir academic curiosity.

Our curriculum is a traditional college-prep sequence. The general pattern is Math 6, Math 7, Math 8, Algebra 1, Geometry, Algebra 2, PreCalculus, and AP Calculus AB. Additionally the U offers AP Statistics and Functions Statistics and Trigonometry (FST). UM/HSA is the first Pre-AP partner school in Michigan, offering Pre-AP Algebra 1 and Geometry. Ms. Petrou is a member of the College Board Pre-AP National Faculty (a facilitator of professional development). The program's goal is to significantly increase the number of students who are able to access and complete college-level work as well as improve college readiness for all students. 

Knowing that our students will be expected to perform, we plan all of our courses with that goal in mind. We expect students to do well on SAT, ACT, M-Step, NWEA MAP and college entrance and placement exams. We are committed to student understanding and well-being. We balance the rigor of the material, with the reality of growing tween/teen life.

Christine Petrou
Mathematics Teacher
Department Chairperson
Pre-AP National Faculty




PortraitRussell Maciag
Mathematics Teacher
Pre-AP National Faculty



Adam Perry
Mathematics Teacher UMSA




Martin Sanford
Mathematics Teacher
UMHSA Webmaster



PortraitMichael Whiton
Mathematics Teacher



PDF DocumentMath Course Descriptions