Instructional Support Network
- Teacher Evalution
- Field Trip Request
- Droplet Conference Request Form
- Requests for State Continuing Education Clock Hours (SCECHs)
- Professional Development Attendance Link
- Professional Development Information
- Pacing Guides
Teacher Evalution
Southfield Public Schools is using Standard for Success as the teacher evaluation platform.
Standard for Success has numerous functions that help support teachers in the teacher evaluation process, outlined the video and handout. (In order to access the video, use the password Southfield.) All teachers and observers have access to the tool and all of its function(s).
An overview of the Charlotte Danielson Framework can be viewed through a webinar along with a webinar guidebook. Two additional resources include the Framework for Teaching and the Clusters Smart Card.
Field Trip Request
- The user-friendly step by step process may be accessed at Droplet Field Trip Forms Step by Step Powerpoint. Please review it entirely before completing forms.
- Field trip admission requests are to be completed using this electronic form Field Trip Admissions Request Form v15
- Field trip transportation requests are to be completed using this electronic form Field Trip Transportation Request Form v10
- These forms replace all previous versions
- Submitters can easily track the progress of their forms at, using their district email address
- Approvers (Principal/Supervisor, Secretary, Director of CFE, Director of State and Federal Programs) can review and approve requests by clicking the links in the email received from Droplet, or by logging in to using their district email address.
- Questions about completing or submitting the form itself can be sent to
- Questions about field trip approval status, once forms are submitted, can be directed to the Submitter of the form
- Questions regarding transportation arrangements should be directed to First Student (
Droplet Conference Request Form
Important things to remember in order to successfully complete this form:
- Secure the funding source for the conference. You cannot proceed without the appropriate funding account number.
- Gather all supporting documents for the conference as applicable, including registration flyer/itinerary, lodging confirmation, travel arrangements, etc. These documents must be available electronically, in order to attach them in the applicable form fields.
- In most cases, conference expenses will require payment to vendors or reimbursement to staff. Such expenses have to be entered as purchase requests by the school/department Business Plus User.
- Note: This conference form has Pre-Conference (approval) and Post Conference (reimbursement) requirements. Both are covered in detail in the step-by-step presentation.
- Please make sure to review the step-by-step instructions. It will probably answer most of your questions.
Requests for State Continuing Education Clock Hours (SCECHs)
Educators seeking to earn STATE CONTINUING EDUCATION CLOCK HOURS (SCECH) for attending Professional Development (PD) events that are not listed on the district's master calendar must complete and submit the required documents SIX (6) WEEKS before the PD event or activity.
STEP 1: SPS Droplet Conference Request Form
- The educator must complete the SPS Droplet Conference Form and all necessary documents at least six (6) weeks before the professional development event or activity.
- To access the SPS DROPLET CONFERENCE FORM, click here.
- After filling out the Droplet Conference Request form, proceed to STEP 2 to request STATE CONTINUING EDUCATION CLOCK HOURS (SCECH).
- If you do not wish to request SCECHs, please proceed to STEP 4.
- Educators who wish to earn SCECH hours must submit the completed Michigan Department of Education (MDE) PROGRAM APPLICATION AND WORKSHOP AGENDA six (6) weeks before the PD event or activity.
To access the MDE Program Application, click here.
All MDE Program Applications must be submitted along with a workshop agenda.
STEP 3: Upload the completed MDE Program Application and Workshop Agenda SIX (6) WEEKS prior to the PD event or activity.
- Click here to upload the MDE Program Application and Workshop Agenda. Requests will not be processed without a workshop agenda.
Very Important: The school principal or their designee MUST upload the completed MDE Program Application and the Workshop Agenda for their staff SIX (6) WEEKS before the PD event or activity.
STEP 4: Sub Requests (If applicable)
Once the PD event is approved, educators must email requests to
Professional Development Attendance Link
SPS ATTENDANCE (Two (2) methods)
Method 1: Physical Sign-In Sheets:
Physical sign-in sheets track employees who attend PD events in person. They should be placed in the school's Professional Development binder and kept at the building for auditing purposes. Employees must sign in when they attend an in-person PD event. In addition to the physical sign-in sheets, educators must complete the SPS Google SCECH Attendance form within 24 hours of attending a PD event if they wish to earn SCECHs.
Collaborative Mondays and District-Wide PD events are eligible for SCECHs. To earn SCECHs, complete the SPS Google SCECHs Attendance form within 24 hours of attending a PD event.
Method 2: SPS Google SCECH Attendance Form:
The SPS Google SCECH Attendance Form is used to upload State Continuing Education Clock Hours (SCECH) to the Michigan Online Educator Certification System (MOECS). Educators must use the correct PIC number. Complete the SPS SCECH attendance form within 24 hours of attending a PD event (i.e., Collaborative Mondays and District-Wide PD Events).
Attendance Link (complete within 24 hours of attending a PD event):
Click here to access the 24/25 SPS Google SCECH attendance form.
If you are missing SCECHS, click here to report the issue. Please allow three weeks to process the attendance discrepancy request. Then, check your MOECS account and complete the workshop evaluation.
Professional Development Information
Welcome to the Southfield Public Schools Certified Staff Professional Development webpage. With all of the recent changes made to teacher/administrator certification requirements, by the Michigan Department of Education, we hope you will find this page to be a valuable resource for information related to district and state-wide professional development opportunities, legislative developments, and certification updates.
SPS PD Platform
We are delighted to inform you that Southfield Public Schools has successfully installed the new, Southfield Public Schools professional development platform (SPS PD), Performance Matters. Performance Matters is the leading provider of comprehensive human capital management systems to K-12 education agencies and can be accessed by any computer or device with internet access.
The SPS PD system facilitates all the components of planning and managing professional development, so our educators and leaders can focus on strategic growth and high-quality job-embedded professional learning. Users can search, view, and sign up for tailored professional learning from an easy-to-use, personalized course catalog. Tracking progress with transcripts that include course completion status and credits earned is just a click of a button. Course creators can create an online catalog of learning resources and courses, with relevant recommendations for educators. Administrators can manage attendance and credits for specific courses or pull reports to get an overview of information for their school or district.
District Provided Professional Development (DPPD)
In May 2012, the State of Michigan Legislature made changes to state education certification requirements and criteria. The district must ensure that PD activities being applied for certificate renewal match the requirements under Michigan Compiled Law Section 380.1526 and 1527. This change in law now affords educators with the opportunity to utilize District Provided Professional Development (DPPD) hours, for use in teacher re-certification. By and large the activities SPS certified educators and administrators have been pursuing, meet these guidelines.
In order to learn more about DPPD and how such professional development can and cannot be used for certificate renewal, please access the links below:
Guidelines for Professional Development that Qualifies for Michigan Legislative Requirements
Education-Related Professional Learning Resources
Professional Learning Legal Requirements
Professional Learning Guidelines
Mentoring and Induction Support
School Administrator Certificate Renewal
Superintendent's May 2018 memo (School Safety Training)
***Waiver of District Professional Learning***
Click here for the April 9, 2020, Memorandum
***New DPPD Reporting Process Resources***
To alleviate reporting of inaccurate information and to streamline the educator certificate renewal process, the Michigan Department of Education (MDE) is implementing a change to the process educators use to report District Provided Professional Development (DPPD) for recertification.
Beginning July 1, 2020, when districts choose to allow DPPD to be used for recertification, they must enter it into the Michigan Online Educator Certification System (MOECS) as State Continuing Education Clock Hours (SCECHs). This process replaces individual educator entry and the requirement for districts to review and sign each educator’s individual DPPD form.
Click here to find several guidance documents to assist educators with this transition.
Resources and Websites
State Continuing Education Clock Hours (SCECHs)
MDE Guidance on Certification Renewal (MEMORANDUM)
Professional Learning Resources
Michigan Online Educator Certification System (MOECS)
Michigan Online Educator Certification System (MOECS)
MOECS Frequently Asked Questions
Having login issues? Email
Contact Alise Collier-Vaughn at 248-746-4338 or via email at
Certification questions?
Contact the Talent Management and Organizational Efficacy Department at 248-746-8500.