Saturday School & Enrichment
High School Students Only:
Southfield Public Schools' "High School Credit Recovery Program" is designed to help high school students who have failed a class the opportunity to retake a course and earn credits for coursework they need in order to graduate. Classes will be held on Saturdays from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Southfield A&T High School.
Saturday School Principal: TBD
Email: TBD
High School Credit Recovery Registration (RESTRICTIONS):
Saturday School / Grade Replacement is for district high school students ONLY
The Grade Replacement option can only be exercised four times in a high school students career
Students MUST have a counselor recommendation form prior to registration
High School Grade Replacement:
Current SPS students can improve their overall cumulative GPA by taking up to four (4) grade replacement courses during their academic tenure with the district. Grade replacement is only offered through the 7th semester for core courses initially taken while attending SPS. Students must earn 75% proficiency or higher on Saturday/Summer School final exams for grade replacement to apply. Consult your school counselor to obtain a complete list of the grade replacement requirements.
Have a question? Please contact your high school counselor.