For Enrollees in Pak A or D (includes: medical, dental, vision, mental health, life and long term disability insurance) these are traditional PPO health plans with in-network deductibles ranging from $500 per individual to $2,000 per family. Your in-network co-pay is now $20 for physicians office visit, $50 for hospital emergency room co-pay, $25 for urgent care co-pay and a mental health/substance abuse co-pay of $20.
For Enrollees in Pak C or E (includes: medical, dental, vision, mental health, life and long term disability insurance) these are high deductible PPO health plans with in-network high deductibles of $1,400 for an individual and $4,000 for two or more people. Once you have satisfied the annual deductible, there are no co-payments on exams and many medications are free. Some procedure may have a 20% coinsurance.
For Enrollees in Pak F (includes: medical, dental, vision, mental health, life and long term disability insurance) this is a traditional Essentials health plan with an in-network $375 individual and $750 family deductible and a 20% coinsurance.